First up, a visit down the condiment aisle.

A1 sauce in 33oz bottle is available for...

A pretty good deal. We go through a lot of A1 at this house. The DH is a big sauce on steak guy and it's great in marinades. A
10oz bottle goes for $4.25 ($.425/oz) at Safeway so you are saving about 16 cents/oz by buying at Costco.

Next up French's Mustard. Have you seen their commercials lately? Apparently you can cook any gourmet meal in minutes by adding mustard - I'm in!!

Let's see $4.58 for 2 30oz bottles. At Safeway a 14oz bottle is $1.99, so almost a 7 cents/oz savings.

Hmmmm this per oz savings doesn't mean as much to me as these factors. Is it worth having a larger amount, and more importantly do I have the space for it?! We have a decent pantry but a small refrigerator. So for items like mustard where the extra one can be stored in the pantry. And considering my 2 year olds current affinity with dipping everything in mustard, it's a definite buy for me. But a restaurant sized amount like this:

I'm leaving on the shelf, even if it does give an extra 4 cents savings per ounce.

More from the condiment aisle tomorrow! And we'll review the food items from the latest coupon book before they expire!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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